For Group Leaders
- The more UPP you put as collateral, the more people will be willing to join
- You MUST trade back to ETH before the end or it counts as a loss
- Fees are HIGHER than on Uniswap, and you are saving users ALL their trade fees, research time, and effort
- Opening a group is expensive, so it trading, adjust profit share % accordingly
- 10% profit share is more than reasonable, we think higher is fine as well
- trade pairs are limited right now, custom list creation in next release
For users joining groups
- Pay attention to leader collateral, low collateral means low refund if leader trades poorly
- Dont ape into badly set up groups, such as 1 UPP vs 100 ETH
- Money you put into a group is LOCKED until the group is over
- You must withdraw your money at the end of the group
- Leaders can close groups early, you need to check back